Selling  High End  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) Lvl. 50 | 30k Artcoins | USS Jack H. Lucas | USS Battlecruiser | Astor Torps | DF-12 | Gold Ships

Discussion in 'Modern Warships Sea Battle Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Magga369, 1/23/25.

  1. Magga369

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    Event-exclusive items / Gacha Ships and Equipment:

    USS Jack H. Lucas

    USS Battlecruiser 2000

    MQ-25 Stingray-X (2x)

    CH-7 Rainbow

    Mi-28NM Havoc

    Defiant X (2x)

    Super Etendard

    Yak-141 Freestyle

    Firework Launcher

    DF-12 Nuclear Ballistic Missile

    Mark-45 Astor nuclear torpedo (4x)

    Hyunmoo 3c missile

    Haesong III missile

    + alot more

    These event items and ships cannot be obtained any more, only at another Gacha Event

    Legendary Ships:

    CN Project 1164E

    Pan Spatial REDRUM

    + 4777 Artcoins in balance
    + around 6600 artcoins rare items

    Total value of around 30000 Artcoins if all is sold

    8780 Gold

    428m dollars

    Many rare camos, including «Lightning» for CN Type 004, which makes you stand out.

    Many legendary flags

    Many gold ships including Massachusetts, Project 2145, Pyotr Veliky, USS Missouri, all Carriers, etc.

    Message me here at @Magga369 for questions about account, price, or anything else.

    Attached Files:

    #1 Magga369, 1/23/25
    Last edited: 1/23/25