Selling  End Game Account  Android and iOS  High End yumeko, 6*Gharol Nars+Ank, 3x Acrizia 32m kraken 6Myths 2x Marishka

Discussion in 'Raid Shadow Legends Accounts for Sale | Buy RSL Account' started by Yatdeklar89, 1/6/25 at 1:00 AM.

  1. Yatdeklar89

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    Doom tower - All rotations done, All rotations on Amius done Faction wars done, 1 key Chimaera NM and UNM,1 key Hydra NM, Brutal & Hard - Did 6B before, now its around 4B. But thats full auto. Could do a lot more with different setups and manual, 1 key CB, arena Plat is possible, TTA gold4, Gem mine lvl3, Loads of gear to play with, Fast Dungeon teams! HellHades Link can be sent, 382 legendaries + new fusion and Belz, including a lot of # champs!, Lazarius, Toshiro, Narses + Ankora, Taras + 2x Marichka Fully awakened +1 Georgid + one more georgid, 3x Acrizia 2x Gnut, 2x Kymar Marius, Arbiter potentially 415 speed!
    Ressources change daily as it is being played daily
    people interested only in buying, we will reach a fair payment agreement, open offers discussion on discord and email, contact me without any commitment.
    discord: grahamwharly
    [email protected]