Selling  Mix of everything account, Mainly WoW and Hearthstone for value, Tons of hours in D3. OLD account.

Discussion in ' Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Draike13, 12/16/24.

  1. Draike13

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    Very old account. Ill list out what games ive actively played on it, for more specifics youll have to just ask me. If i get any interest in this then ill actually get on the account and start posting screenshots. Until interest, itll just be a general info post.
    Feel free to make me offers. I just dont play any of these games anymore and am looking to get something back out of the account.
    Thank you.

    World of Warcraft: This account i started durring Burning Crusade. It was last played sometime around 2018. It was MOST played during LichKing, Cataclysm, and Pandaria. Did play more later, but mostly to just max out levels and do general raiding.
    I have MANY rare mounts and pets that are no longer available on this account, as well as multiple friendship bonuses and store purchased items of the same. I also have some items and a mount or 2 from the old card game.
    Account has(as of 2018) a max level character of every class on the alliance side on a single server.
    At the time last played, i owned a very known and popular guild on the server. It was since past on to someone else in the guild to run in my absence, but it is still there and completely maxed out for mass extra storage and perks.
    I have every piece of leveling gear that was available at that time(the OLD and newer to me pieces, and the special guild and player friendship ones)
    I have no idea how much gold the account has across all characters, but it should be topping 100k easily im sure.
    MANY no longer obtainable feats of strength on this account as well.
    Account has somewhere close to 1000 hours of playtime(could actually be higher)

    Hearthstone: Opened this account on beta release. Have lots of cards from original sets and many from that point onward. Most of the PVE expansions were bought and played to completion(at least to unlock cards, and till about 2020).
    Biggest value here is the actual cash to game, I put probably around $1000 in this game in card purchases. MANY MANY old legendaries from the original set and those immediately after.

    Diablo: Account should have D1, D2(and expansion), D3(with expansion), and D4.
    D3: this is quite possible the game on this account i have the most time in. I have well over 1500 hours in this game alone. I dont remember off hand what paragon level or value of items i have in this, but needless to say with the playtime, its very very high. All classes played and build to run extremely high level rifts. Mostly all unique and set gear for characters. Max everything, just raising Paragon level higher.
    Have a few purchases and preorder extras including wings and all that. But basically youre getting an account with an extremely high level ready to dive in rift diver of any class you want to play.
    Last played just before the release of D4
    D4: I played it through when it was released to the end of the game...Thats about it. Didnt hook me like D3 did.

    Heroes of the Storm: Played off and on. Spent quite a bit on it, but didnt play as deeply as i did many others here. Unlocked quite a lot EARLY on, but havent been on it in years. No real idea how much is there. I know i unlocked most characters and had them leveling pretty high as of ~2020

    Hope someone has interest in this and will get use out of the account. I just dont find myself playing of these games anymore. Far too big of a time sink for my life now

    Dont be afraid to ask me any questions or shoot me any offers.
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