- ULTIMATE Hero Wars F2P Account Ever and for All Time (WEB) www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWCcc421FWM - UNIQUE in all hero wars game servers - All achievements shown on my youtube HW game content creator channel: www.youtube.com/@hwf2pevolutionlegacy - High-end HW account - Meta teams for magic, pure and physical dmg. - 2,7 years old - Saved 115K+ Emeralds - Frames unlocked (many achievements + boxy for youtuber content creator) - Top Guild (4rd gold league - weelky) - Top 50 Arena - Top 100 Grand Arena - Very strong and competitive server (web server 92) - Lian meta (optimized builds can beat +1M teams with combos) - Iris meta - Aurora meta - Dante meta - Morrigan (magic-pure dmg teams) & Jet (physical team) leveled-up to counter Rufus. - Unlocked all heroes (96% lvl 130 & skills violet min) - Partipate in GW everyday (mostly assigned on heros fights) - General position in my guild - Can win in all COW Fights or at least 4/5 (combination guide) - Saved resources and very synchronized with good & big events - Very well cared account. - Healthy and followed youtube HW content creator channel - The real estimation value (including the youtube channel) is around 2000$ - My price for the HW account is only 420$ - More details of this account on the video on my youtube HW game content creator channel Reliable and serious seller, who has mastered Hero Wars game (4+ years of play) and want now to fully retire from game, but has left a legacy (youtube channel) for players that also want to master and fully enjoy the game. These are only few sreenshoots but see here the full details: www.youtube.com/watch?v=WWCcc421FWM