Selling    Android and iOS [NA] 40 SSR Almost Full RGB Supp, 12 Artoria faces, BDay unset, Morgan np2, Melusine np2, Archetype:

Discussion in 'Fate Grand Order Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Melvin44, 11/22/24.

  1. Melvin44

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    My Location:
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    - 40ssr/48wnp

    - NP2: Morgan, Melusine, Lady Avalon, Jeanne Alter, Summer Kiara, Artoria, Sanzang, Altera

    - Almost Full RGB Supp: Summer Skadi, Lady Avalon, Castoria, Koyan, Oberon, Skadi, Waver

    - Full # Dps + Waifus

    - 12 Artoria faces

    - Full Scathach SSR

    - Story Fq end

    - Arjuna Alter, Melusine np2, Morgan np2, Archetype: Earth, Summer Kama, Space Ishtar, Taira, Van Gogh, Jeanne Alter etc.

    - Can pretty much clear any content

    - Great CEs: Kscope, Black Grail, MLB Bond & Qp CEs, MLB Event CEs etc.

    - Skills maintained (Lots can still be max, just need qp)

    - Still have tons of SQs to farm: Rank-ups, Interludes, Bond farm etc.

    - Grails 36, Lores 48

    - GA 290+

    If you have any questions feel free to message me on discord

    My discord: melvin_job
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