Selling   PC  Level 200+  High End  Original Owner (Yes) Level 263. 71 Black Ice Skins. All 62 Elites Owned. Halloween, Outbreak, and Pro League Skins.

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by AhmadZiad, 11/3/24.

  1. AhmadZiad

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    I have been playing the game since year 2 season 2 operation health, I have a lot of plat ranked charms and two emerald ranked charms. the account has a total of 2700 items, including:

    71 black ice skins
    62 elite skins (all of them)
    battlepass for this season is purchased.
    2300 r6 credits and 60k renown
    outbreak weapon skins, ash elite outbreak skin.
    halloween headgears like Jager, dokkaebi, vigil, and others, and outbreak headgears.
    28 gold pro league old original skins (year 1 2 3)
    133 legendary headgears and 150 epic headgears
    100 legendary uniforms and 136 epic uniforms
    14 epic attachment skins
    68 legendary charms and 120 epic charms
    1 legendary drone skin and 5 epic skins

    the account has a lot of skins and stuff, there is a huge effort that has been put into the account, in addition to the rare skins I have and all elites owned. I included the most important photos for the account, if you want more images, message me on discord: iitz_lazy and I send you all the photos for everything owned in the account.

    price is ne-gotiable, all elites cost 100k r6 credits considering each elite is 1620 not 1800 if you have the battlepass, this is the cheapest way to buy all the elites, although some elites cost 1940 or 2400 r6 credits, but I considered all elites will cost 1620 with battlepass purchased, they will cost 100k credits, which means $600. in addition to all other content, pro league skins, black ices, events skins, ranked charms, and everything else, my account is worth $900, but i am selling it less than that, a cheap price, 700$, the account is pretty high quality and very rare. price ne-gotiable.

    discord: iitz_lazy

    please message me on discord to make the deal, I prefer to get the payment in crypto but we can manage it if we use paypal but I prefer crypto and thank you!

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