A strong infantry-specialized account. Close to 1 billion merit. The account is very rich. It has 13k days of general speedups you can use for PvP and events. 4.9M blue diamonds. 279 transnational scrolls, you can go to any kingdom you want without worry. This is a perfect account for merit hunting. Has SS castle and marching skin, red weapons with high base attack, and many red dragon skills. The account is in a top alliance, you can easily verify and cross-check the validity by contacting me or other players in game. Reason for selling is to focus on the main account. Serious buyer please contact on discord: beelzebubss Here is the information of the account: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1GFb71PZ5RgwvlI6CFWB2GPopcYDNmHrk?usp=sharing
This account looks amazimg. I cant buy it sorry, i would love to but dont have the cash. I play but my account is very sad. been playing for 18 months and it never goes up, just sits at 200 mill. cant help in events or anything. Any help on getting it up high, having a high power account would be awesome. Anyway your account is very nice, and good luck.
I can offer you rebel train service for a good price if you want. It does not help in improving stats, but it gives a good amount of items, blue diamonds, speedups, etc. Contact me on discord for details.