⭐️ This is a shared offline account where you can play at any time ❗️ Resale of this product is prohibited. Violation of this rule will result in an eternal ban of all accounts on the site with refusal of payments. The game can be launched in any region, including Russia and the CIS! Accounts often come across other games, they come as a gift! ⭐️ Buying this product you get: ✅ After the purchase, you will be given a login and password for the steam account in which the game was already purchased; after installation, you can only play in offline mode ✅ One activation per device ✅ The product cannot be returned if it did not work for you due to system requirements or you did not like the game ✅ The account is not suitable for cloud gaming (Playkey, Geforce NOW, etc.) Instructions for activating the game: 1. Log in to your Steam account under the received data; 2. Download the game from the library; 3. Enter the game once online to the main menu, then exit; 4. Switch the Steam client to offline mode (upper left corner - Steam - offline mode..) 5. Play. How to take EA offline: To do this, in the EA APP, click on the three bars in the upper left corner, then offline mode and confirm. This is necessary so as not to disturb other people, and so that the binding does not fall off fo fc 25,ea fc 25,ea sports fc 25,fifa 25,fc 25 gameplay,fc 25 tutorial,eafc 25,fc 25 beta,fc 25 web app,how to start fc 25,ea sports fc 25 ps5,fc 25 ultimate team,ea fc 25 pack opening,ea sports fc 25 gameplay,how to get ea fc 25 for free,ea fc 25 pc,fc 25 leaks,fc 25 how to,fc 25 career mode,ea sports fc 25 pc,fc 25 pack opening,ea sports fc 25 xbox,ea sports fc 25 news,how to get ea fc 25 free,how to get fc 25 for free