Selling  Android and iOS OPS 58 on active EU-168 Server

Discussion in 'Star Trek Fleet Command STFC Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Thiesen, 8/28/24.

  1. Thiesen

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    Selling OPS 58 on EU-168 Server due to personal matters. Active account with most content available (excluded last arc). Below an overview of available buildings, ships, prime research, etc. Account has been highly active the last 4-5 years.

    Contact me directly for any additional questions

    - Ops 58 (close to 59)
    - 7 Drydocks unlocked
    - 41+ million Latinum

    - T6 Sanctus
    - T3 Corvus
    - T5 Northcutt
    - 2x Nova
    - Max Vi'Dar Talios
    - Max Voyager
    - Max D'Vor Feesha (40k Latinum refinery per day)
    - Max USS Franklin-A
    - T9 Pilum
    - T10 Kelvin
    - T8 Valdore
    - T10 Monaveen
    - T11 Borg Cube
    - T1 Borg Cube
    - T4 Enterprise NX-01
    - T8 USS Defiant
    - T10 Mantis
    - T3 Gorn Eviscerator
    - T9 USS Ceritos
    - 2x Stella
    - 4x Max Meridan

    Forbidden Tech:
    - Level 47 Dual Photon Warheads (Interceptor)
    - Level 45 Ferengi Whip (D’Vor Feesha)
    - Level 40 S31 Torpedo Pods (Battleship)
    - Level 35 Borg Alcove (USS Voyager)
    - Level 25 Borg Nanoplating
    - Level 10 Metreon Cascade Warhead
    - Level 10 Malon Extractor
    - Vairous Common and Uncommon

    Q Trials:
    - 4 star unlocked
    - 3 star trials done
    - 269.810.432 Assessment Score


    Combat Tree
    - Prima Damage
    - Prime Hulls
    - Prime Shields
    - Prime Defenses
    - Prime Piercing
    - Prime Weapon Damage
    - Prime Armada Damage
    - Prime Critical Hit Damage
    - Prime Tactival Advantage
    - Prime Critical Hit Chance
    - Prime Station Damage
    - Prime Hardened Shield Phasing
    - Prime Hull Citadell

    Station Tree
    - Prime Resources
    - Prime Build Speed
    - Prime Research Speed
    - Prime Protection
    - Prime Repair Speed
    - Prime Repair Costs
    - G3-G5 Prime Research Efficiency (1 of 2)
    - Prime Efficient Ship Parts (5 of 10)
    - Prime Efficient Ship Engineering (5 of 10)
    - Prime Ship Repairs
    - Prime 4* Manufacturing (Survey/Interceptor/Explorer/Battleship

    Galaxy Tree
    - Prime Structure (1 of 2)
    - Prime Armada Refinery
    - Prime Enhanced Analysis

    Starships Tree
    - Prime Discovery Warp Range (2 of 5)
    - Prime Latinum Refining
    - Prime Borg Rewards
    - Prime Active Nanoprobes Refining
    - Prime Vi'Dar Cargo
    - Prime Charged Nanoprobes Refining
    - Vinculum Scrapper
    - Prime Synthetic Nitrium Refining

    Superhighways unlocked
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.