Android  High End Age of Magic End game account with all heroes available including Luxuria with 1 AS (Best offer)

Discussion in 'Age of Magic Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Roger Chang, 8/14/24.

  1. Roger Chang

    Roger Chang
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    My Location:
    Price $:
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    End game player account with all heroes available including Luxuria with 1 AS
    36 Skins
    more than 500 prism
    +7k gold apporxamately
    400k+ Indigo runes
    1M Chest Equipment IX
    1.5M Chest Equipmnet VI-VIII plus more!
    1M Arcane chest, 162k IV, 33k V, 26k VI, and 17k VII
    271 Gold tokens, 3.7K silver tokens
    323 Pass Coins
    Almost all important heores 7AS and +eq13 with many equipment ready to be used (easily 2 heroes ready for eq14)
    top1 rank in arena and tournament
    Askin $500 or best offer, for further questions/info, contact me
    #1 Roger Chang, 8/14/24
    Last edited: 8/15/24
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