og owner!! selling na server only (Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe and Oceania❌(Only works using a USA VPN) Android and iOS✅ Nickname change available✅ all receipt ✅ method: via paypal all limited bought/gacha skin in link pm if have questions or interested only for North American jurisdiction, limited skins - crystal rose seraphine w border and pose2 - standard crystal rose gwen - crystal rose sona - mythmaker seraphine - mythmaker zoe - guqin sona - sweetheart sona - heartseeker yummi - food spirits yummi - calligraphia Yasuo - calligraphia Xayah - calligraphia Janna w border and pose (no bans/mutes or top up shortcuts all payed for authentically so not eligible for any type of ban^^) quitting need gone asap!