Selling  100+ Heroes  100+ Skins  Both Android/iOS MLBB premium Account,500 skins 11Collector,3 Legend and all epic, All limited skins, Mythical Glory.

Discussion in 'Mobile Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Raza Rabbani, 5/19/24.

  1. Raza Rabbani

    Raza Rabbani
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    My Location:
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    Name: Raza Rabbani

    -Limited KoFs: Dyroth, guini, aurora, karina, valir
    -10 Collectors: Brody, Clint, Khufra, Emeralda, Vale, LuoYi, Badang, dyroth, Lapu-Lapu
    -Clouds: Xavier limitee
    -2 Stuns: Brody, Chou
    -3 Legends: Franco, Gusion, Gord
    -2 KungFu pandas: Lord shin of Ling, kai of thamuz
    -4 Transformers: roger(grimlock) xborg(bumbelbee) popol and kupa, granger(megatrin)
    -Limited 11.11 of XB and Hayabusa
    -Allstar Moskov(rarest),
    -Attack on Titan: Levi(martis) and Eren(yin)
    -Exocrists: Yuzhong
    -Ducati Bendeta(rarest),
    -Sword dawn heroes lancelot(very rare)
    -8 Zodiacs: Badang, Martis, Odette, Selena, Mino, Helcurt, Lancelot it, Lunox
    -2 Limited starwars: Yoda(cyclops)
    -3 Limited Sparkles: Fredrin, Esmeralda, Melissa
    -Yuzhong M5,
    -Beatrix M4
    -2 Aspirants skins: Change, Angela
    -3 choongle character limited skins: Change, Floryn, Angela
    -2 Limited saint saya: Badang, Valir
    -2 Limited mworld: Ling, Yin
    -Epic skin of every hero(uranus2, Zilong2, beside that all heroes have epics
    -WR is high for rank
    -Mythical glory already reached
    -Crystal of aurora: 2k
    -Starlight Point for shop: 2k
    -Every discussion will be facilitated by contact, dealing will only happen through playerup moderator.

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    #1 Raza Rabbani, 5/19/24
    Last edited: 5/22/24
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.