Selling  EU Nordic and East  Unranked/Smurf  Level 30+  1-24 Hours Personal LOL account | LVL 462+ | ALL CHAMPS | 1971 RP | 81332 BE | 382+ skins | JUDGEMENT KAYLE

Discussion in 'League of Legends Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Jackieboy1, 5/19/24.

  1. Jackieboy1

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    I'd like to sell my account LOL account, because I have to sell my PC for personal reasons and I'm selling all my gaming accounts bc of that.

    Original owner of the account.
    Account made in: 2011

    Region: EUNE

    - LVL 462
    - Played only 5 provisional matches, bronze III soloq
    - All champs unlocked (not xbox gamepass)
    - 1971 RP
    - 81332 BE
    - 2449 OE
    - 40 ME
    - 382 skins (4 ultimate, 9 mythic, 32 legendary, 183 epic)
    - 222 chromas
    - !!!4 Victorious Skins!!!
    - !!!Judgement Kayle!!!
    - So much more...

    Price: 50$, but I'll happily hear any other offer.

    Contact: here on PlayerUp or Discord: jackieboy21
    (I prefer Discord)

    For any questions and offer feel free to contact me. Im online 16-18 hours a day!
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