Selling  High End  Android and iOS  Original Owner (Yes) High End >60,000 AC worth with exclusive event spin items

Discussion in 'Modern Warships Sea Battle Online Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Abob1358, 5/8/24.

  1. Abob1358

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    60k of AC items (not including Teton + event items)
    Event-exclusive JSS ship
    Event-exclusive FGS F124
    Event-exclusive Battlecruiser 2000
    Not-on-market bundle ship Pan Spatial Teton
    Many camos including MW Winter Games
    Many legendary flags
    Exclusive spin equipment including:
    Mk.45 ASTOR nuclear torpedo
    4x UGST Physic-2 torpedo
    DF-12 Nuclear Ballistic Missile
    A-220M Cannon
    These event items and ships cannot be obtained any more
    Many gold ships including Massachusetts, Type 004, Project 2145, Missouri, Pyotr Veliky, etc.
    Other event items including 2x Defiant X helicopter, Mangusta heli, Superhind Mk.III heli, Hyunmoo 3c missile, etc.

    Sad to see the progress go but I don't have time for MW anymore
    Screenshots of ships and items: pyotr.PNG flagtwo.PNG flagone.PNG camothree.PNG camotwo.PNG camoone.PNG mwfifth.PNG mwfourth.PNG mwthird.PNG MWsecond.PNG mwfirst.PNG
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