Selling   PC  Level 200+  High End  Original Owner (Yes) All 58 Elites, 15K r6 credits, 63 black ice skins, 28 pro league skins, Outbreak and halloween skins

Discussion in 'Rainbow Six Siege Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell' started by iitzLazy124578, 4/18/24.

  1. iitzLazy124578

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    r6 account level 262 is worth more than $800 for having 15k r6 credits, whole collection of outbreak packs, 60 Halloween packs from last Halloween event, with several skins from previo, several events packs, legendary headgears and uniforms, 28 pro leagues, all available elites which are 58 elites, 63 black ice skins, high stats, emerald and plat charms since year 2, weapon skins.

    Discord: iitz_lazy

    Note: rainbow six siege game is on a ubisoft account that has assassin's creed chronicles, farcry 3, the division, Uno, and watch dogs 2.

    Total unique Black Ice skins: 63 black ice ( which means if doc, rook, and melusi have the same weapon with black ice skin on, i count them as one black ice not 3, so total of unique black ice skins without duplicates from operators, and unique to special weapons, is 63 black ice skins)

    28 Pro league set for: Alibi - Blackbeard - Buck - Capitao - Castle - Caveira - Doc - Dokkaebi - Echo - Ela - Finka - Fuze - Glaz - Hibana - Jackal - Jager - Kapkan - Lesion - Lion - Maestro - Mira - Smoke - Thatcher - Twitch - Valk - Vigil - Ying - Zofia.

    All 58 Elites

    Headgears: 127 legendary - 144 epic
    Uniforms: 95 legendary - 128 epic
    Charms: 64 legendary - 118 epic

    the rainbow six siege account is worth $800. add me for more information.

    i can only attach 50 photos. visit this mega link to view all 172 photos ( or contact me on discord.

    Discord: iitz_lazy

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