Selling  Average MPQ account for sale LVL 73, 470 days, AVERAGE, added screenshots

Discussion in 'Marvel Puzzle Quest Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Sky70, 2/22/24.

  1. Sky70

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    I want to sell the account of which I am the first user. Game time is 470 days, level 73.

    I put $327 into the above account [spent on Hero Points, covers, shards, and new roster slots] and I want to sell it below this price. Additionally, developing such an account is time-consuming, so you can enter the game at the average level.

    And because of that involvement I want to sell for $197, no negotiations are possible.

    The player's profile has been linked to the new Google Account, so you will also receive this new account - you can later replace it with your Google Account via MPQ.

    Attached screenshots.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.