Selling   5 heirlooms, 75 leg skins, 20 leg finishers, 86 legendary weapon skins | UNLINKED, FULL ACCESS

Discussion in 'Apex Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Rare Account' started by Akihaust, 2/13/24.

  1. Akihaust

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    I'm selling my main account. Played through Steam, it is unlinked, can be linked to your Steam. I provide full access, with mail, account data and all content.

    Account content:
    5 heirlooms (Bangalore, Octane, Loba, Bloodhound, Ash);
    75 legendary skins for all characters;
    48 legendary frames for all characters;
    20 legendary finishers for many characters;
    86 legendary weapon skins for all weapons;
    A lot of poses, mystics, almost all cosmetics in game.

    You can check statistics, because I leave several screenshots from the account. I played about 700 hours, starting with Season 13, the highest rank is Diamond. If more specific screenshots are needed, I can provide them anytime.

    The price is #.

    Discord: akielle
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