- Hero 7: Layla, Stromoy, Shinji, Eureka, Crimson, Gypsy, Polick, Brady, Bobby,Kaoru, Van Nee 6: Maximo, Alpha, Ouch, Fre 5: Akatora, Cruzo, Kotiya, Bale, Erini, Amal - Decoration Set 1 Vacation Set / Laughter Castle / Christmas White Snow 2 Thanksgiving/Christmas Home/Legendary Pirates/Sweet Heart/Arab Month/a pleasant 24/7/military routine/industrial times/wizards/magic Christmas/Christmas season/a cat's crazy party - army 286 navy 289 airforce 286 (without arcadia) - base 72 - Titan special effects 2 / other epic parts - Mecca Army, Navy Full Set If you need any pictures, message to me. I can't attach it because there are too many pictures. If you want proof pictures, please feel free to send me a message.