Selling   Rise of Empires - Farm level 13

Discussion in 'Rise of Empires Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Wardi Soul, 12/31/23.

  1. Wardi Soul

    Wardi Soul
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    My Location:
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    • Mines cranked up to Level 10 or 13: Food, Wood, Marble, and Iron
    • Storage facilities leveled up to 2 for Food, Wood, Marble, Iron, and Charcoal.
    • Level 5 Trading House, Level 5 Medical Tent, and Level 5 Encampment.
    • Class Legion and two Legion I formations - each having a hero unlocked and packing 5,000 troops!
    Prepayment is required - time needed for level 13 farm to be ready= 5 days.

    Message me for all orders or any additional question:
    Instagram - wardisoul
    Twitch - WardiSoul
    WhatsApp - +39862557990
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.