Hullo! 7 year old dolphin/whale account for sale. Former member of a regular top 10 AC alliance, ranking all the way to #2. I've put a lot of time, love, and paychecks into this account and looking to pass it along to a good home. Almost all blue cards, 22% pierce. I've several spare Premium cards in stock if you want to re-roll. 10 T4 toons with Ghostrider ready to T4 whenever you want. Enough T4 materials to rank up pretty much anyone you want otherwise. In a few days of this posting, there'll be enough for two T4's. Almost all possible T3's and plenty of materials to upgrade whoever you want that's left. Only one T1 character, Sylvie. All others are T2 or above. Most toons and cards built for PVP/AC but a few PVE's as well. My Doctor Strange will melt Dorm like big, smelly butter in GBR. All #'s have CTP's and plenty to spare, many awakened. Lots more CTP's in my inventory including an unassigned Brilliant CTP. LOTS of uni's, many Mythic. If interested or if you have any more questions, my Discord is Mister Meeseeks#9064. Serious inquiries only.