Sold 60 LVL|| 546 GS || DPS|HEALER|TANK || MANY SKINS ||2 TRANSFERS||Read the description

Discussion in 'New World Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Phinta, 9/9/22.

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  1. Phinta

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    Price $:
    Buy Now Link:
    Buy Now
    [Note : If you would like to order custom package, kindly contact me. I will create a custom package for you to place order.]


    Weapon master :
    Hatchet- 20
    Great Axe - 20
    Life Staff - 11
    Spear - 4
    Sword and Shield - 12
    War Hammer - 2


    Smelting - 159
    Woodworking - 109
    Weaving - 117
    Stonecutting - 124
    Leatherworking - 125
    Logging - 124
    Mining - 200
    Harvesting - 200
    Track & Skinning - 200


    Thank you for choosing us. And welcome next time. ❤❤❤

    Also, before you buy, you can make sure at the moment I'm online or not, below are the means of communication.
    ⏰ ⌛if not reply = i'm sleeping ⌛⏰
    [Note : If you would like to order custom package, kindly contact me. I will create a custom package for you to place order.]
    I hope you find what you need here-
    or email me for a custom order

    Contacts for communication

    {PLS USE playerup CHAT}
    Write to me at any time, I will answer as soon as possible.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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