Sold 60 endgame

Discussion in 'Brave Nine Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Shustrik116, 9/8/21.

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  1. Shustrik116

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    All important forms saved.
    Discord: Shustrik#4930
    screenshots a but outdated, now i have +12 ledacrad, 16k mileage and almost 0 AC.
    Valze +15
    Set +15
    Mamonir +15
    Refi +15
    Angelica +15
    Alec +12 (comp 2)
    Leda +12 (comp 2)
    Velfern +12 (comp 2)
    Asmode +12 (comp 2)
    Lucius +12 (comp 2)
    Levia +12 (comp 2)
    Nartas +5 (comp 5)
    Gran +0
    Celia +0
    Sillion +0

    Spoiler: Mercenary box
    Spoiler: Material box
    Spoiler: Currencies
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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