Sold 60 Enchanter - 60 Mage-Cleric Account

Discussion in 'EverQuest Accounts for Sale - Buy Sell EQ Account' started by Divine0425, 7/1/24.

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  1. Divine0425

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    Offloading the last two of my group:

    60 Enchanter
    7/7 Tower Gear
    Kedge Robe
    Loam Gear
    Teek & Tormax Trunk
    Di'zok Scepter of Authority
    Imperial Wardog Collar
    Ornate Rune Shield
    Sarnak Bracer of Honor
    Dizok Signet of Service

    4K, couple K worth of sellables, Seb keyed, 5K DBC - Head of Serpent, Essence of Vampire for epic

    $200 F&F ONLY

    60 Cleric/60 Mage Account - This one I purchased from another seller here. These is SMS tied but it is my SMS and the user had high feedback . I finished...

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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