Sold 60$ 3 year old F2P account with 200+ 5*s (more with merges)

Discussion in 'Fire Emblem Heroes Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by /u/massface, 2/7/20.

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  1. /u/massface

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    Album with all units and inventory:

    Plenty of mythics, legendaries and seasonals. 300k feathers.
    Only did 2 squad assaults, most of the newer chain challenges aren't done too.

    Selling for 60$, slightly #.

    Selling because I got really bored with the game. Method of payment is preferably a Google Play gift card, as PayPal doesn't work for some reason in my country.

    Message me on discord: massface#3581

    # #/massface
    # .
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