Selling a top tier destiny account. It has 100% DestinyTrophies. There are 3 characters: Hunter|male|, Warlock|female|, Titan|male. ID: TWERKING000 5th global dtr on psn All characters have 400 light . All characters have TIER 12 Armor sets . Almost all armor - 400 light. All 9 subclasses are fully upgraded. This account has all Rank Exotic weapons: The first curse, Boolean gemini, Tlaloc, Ace of Spades, Fabian strategy. This account has all Quest Exotic weapons: No time to explain, Touch of malice , Thorn, Khvostov 7g-0x, Outbreak prime Necrochasm, The Chaperone, Sleeper Simulant, Bolt-caster,Raze-lighter,Dark-drinker, Gjallarhorn,The Young wolf's howl, Nova mortic, Abbadon. There are all exotics from updated raids and challenges, including year 3 Vex Mythoclast. year 3 Necrochasm. No land beyond. There is a lot of god rolled weapons from y1 y2 and y3 ( grasp of malok, party crasher +1, matador (y1 too),felwinter, 1000-yard stare(hidden hand and shortgaze), palindrome (rangefinder-icarus-rifled), eyasluna(truesight-rangefinder-grenadier-rifled), vendor hung jury sr4, doctrine of passing, her benevolence, almost all IB y1 god rolled guns). sign of the founders emblem , vanguard day one emblem and blacksmith. 1.57 general k/d and 232k dtr score. 5th on global psn lots of legionnaires. check on destiny tracker(salvage, mayhem clash, supremacy, skirmish, clash, rift, control, elimination, zone control, IB). game is not in the account. If u want photos contact me on [email protected] price 700$ (#) _________________________________ Feel free to ask any questions!