Selling  North America  Soulfist  High End  Level 50+ WTS Very High End NAE Regulus Account

Discussion in 'Lost Ark Accounts Buy & Sell - LAO Account for Sale' started by Millstone, 10/31/23.

  1. Millstone

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    My three mains are a 1600 Soulfist(lvl 18 Akkan weapon w/ 100 quality), 1592 Reaper(lvl 21 weapon w/ 99 qual) and 1603 Artist. My alts are a 1570 Sorc and 1560 Shadowhunter and a 1562 Zerker. Every char has a ton of mats to easily push them even further.

    I also have full level 10 CD gems and level 9 damage gems on the SF and am robust spirit build with full 5x3+1 and very high qual on all accessories(I've hit 1 billion damage spirit bombs). Every char has full level 7 gems or better. Reaper has full level 10 damage gems on all main dmg skills and multiple level 8 and 9 cd's.

    Maxed out stronghold. Astray with best crew. Eberns Wound with best ghost ship buff crew. A basically endless supply of battle items. Level 30+ on every tradeskill and over level 50 foraging/logging with legendary tools. I also have 72 world tree leaves and the relic trade skill charm.

    10 HM Brel clear achieve/pets. Kayangel HM achieve.
    LoS 30 as well as LWC 30 and KLC 18 and also Master of Spears 30 so as good as it gets card wise.

    Currently around 300k gold and 50ish million silver

    Can PM me here or on discord @ _atlantean for more info/screenshots etc.

    Also, I have another website I have used to sell MMO stuff for over a decade and have a nearly 300 unique flawless feedback score and we can officially do the trade through that website where I am verified.

    Also open to offers
    #1 Millstone, 10/31/23
    Last edited: 11/3/23
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  2. OP

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    just rolled a 9/7 stone on the reaper
    #2 Millstone, 11/12/23
    Last edited: 11/23/23
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  3. OP

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    Can't seem to edit the original post but the account is significantly better than when I originally posted it. Reaper is now 1600 and the SF now has full level 10 gems. The berserker is also now 1580 and I have a 1520 Souleater now as a 7th char. Also, the account has approximately 4.5 million gold worth of sellable items so that alone is worth about 1,800$ at the current gold rate.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.