web- can transfer account email. I'm busy with irl getting married so I want to focus on irl. Will provide the information on the account once purchased. I pay the middle man fee. 751+ GS (70b raw silver) Gears: Pen debo neck Pen debo belt Pen debo earring Pen black star (sub-main-awakening) Pen vaha Pen omi Pen eye of the ruins x 2 Pen narc Triple tet fallen god c20 muskan Pen centaur Pen evasion offhand/ accuracy offhand ( C19 ) Mounts: T10 Peggy T9 Doom x 2 (Male and Female) T9 Unicorn Life skill: Tri Manos accesories tet other stuffs Full elixer rot: 47b worth of pots Weapon swaps- main/sub/awakening Price 16000$ For more info DM me superspeed17 https://playerup.b-cdn.net/s3/xf/internal_data/attachments/6490/6490047-e14daa38d3d3a571dc8d807181c2cfbf.png