Selling  100+ Heroes  100+ Skins  Both Android/iOS 265 SKINS, GUSION KOF SKIN + COLLECTOR SKIN,GALAXY DOMINATOR AND MORE!

Discussion in 'Mobile Legends Accounts for Sale - Buy and Sell' started by Xyun, 10/9/23.

  1. Xyun

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    My Location:
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    Hello I want to sell this account for money because my family needs it right now
    Selling it for 150 USD but could go lower (100-150USD is all fine)
    The account has 265 Skins
    All Hero
    This account has
    Irithel’s Astral Wandered
    Estes Galaxy Dominator
    Gusion K’ (KOF skin) and Night owl (collector skin)
    Yu Zhong’s Blood Serpent (collector skin)
    Beatrix’s M4 skin and Prime skin
    Ruby’s Mecha Maiden
    Odette’s Mermaid Princess
    O can give you the email and the email is gonna be your you can do whatever you want with the email
    If you don’t trust me feel free to contact mm
    If you guys are interest please feel free to do me on here or discord xyun. (There‘s a period at the back of my discord username!)
    Screenshot of the account!
    IMG_0292.png IMG_0293.png IMG_0294.png IMG_0296.png IMG_0297.png IMG_0298.png IMG_0300.png IMG_0302.png IMG_0303.png IMG_0304.png IMG_0305.png IMG_0306.png IMG_0307.png IMG_0308.png IMG_0309.png IMG_0310.png

    Attached Files:

    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.