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Discussion in 'Epic Seven Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell Epic 7 Account' started by Krunig, 9/4/23.

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  1. Krunig

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    My Location:
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    24 Moonlight 5* heroes without duplicates (Hero Journal shows Archdemon Mercedes but I do not have her). Account has had 7 Duplicates.
    - 30 ML coins (10 short of a Moonlight 5* of your choice)
    - All RGB characters except Abigail and Eligos
    - All limited characters except Benimaru, Lethe, Ocean Breeze Luluca, Summer Break Charlotte
    - 114 level 60 Characters
    - 6 SSS 5* RGB Heroes, 5 SSS ML5* Heroes (Several more at S or SS)
    - Capable of one-shotting all level 13 hunts
    - Can stay in Champion Arena (Stayed there for 2 years but demoted because I stopped playing)
    - Able to earn Champion RTA (I never did it because I only wanted the skins)
    - Has Ruele, Judge Kise, Arbiter Vildred, Specter Tenebria, Apocalypse Ravi RTA skins
    - Magical Girl Diene Skin
    - Capable of reaching 302 speed on Ran
    - All Story cleared except the Adin quests
    Price: 300$ PayPal or Bank(if same country)
    Pls message me here(dont ask if i have discord)
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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