My account can go toe-to-toe with the top 1% of players in the game, and I have hit Legend many a month. Requirements for LV are almost met (all at G13), just need a few relics on 4 characters. Got every character unlocked except for LV of course and Maul, been getting max crate on conquest everytime so you can get Maul first go. KAM, Wat at 7 * and G13 Can all raids and capable of getting 10-15M damage on Crancor, top 100 guild getting 32 stars on DSTB and 28-29 on LSTB. Getting 1 at arena every day, part of the discord chat. every ship maxed out except for Executor, not too far off but need some work getting it. this account since day 1, feel free to ask any questions or make an offer if interested. Discord: kingmax004