Selling      Killuas Kloset TikTok Anime Account

Discussion in 'TikTok Accounts for Sale | Buy Sell TikTok Account' started by Sidrit, 8/11/23.

  1. Sidrit

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    Killua Kloset is a tiktok account focused mainly on the universe of japanese manga and anime.

    Formerly the account was linked to a website that sold goods in dropshipping. The website has since been closed but the tiktok account is still active with more than 2k real followers.

    Thanks to this account, the official kelliskloset website has garnered several thousand dollars in turnover between 2020 and 2021.

    As you can imagine, this tiktok account has great potential for those who really want to invest in it.

    Actually the TikTok account has 2.8k real followers and mainly active in north america.

    You can use this account to do affiliation, create a dropshipping shop, do SEO... You have to your credit several thousand interested followers in the anime niche that you can have in order to develop your business even more.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.