Selling  End game account

Discussion in 'Bleach Brave Souls Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Heuwan, 7/1/23.

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  1. Heuwan

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    The account have aprox. 94,6% of the 5 stars of the game. Almost every character with 10/10/10 link slots. You have material to level up the rest if you want. Almost 60 characters with 20/20/20 link slots. 139 characters with special move level 5. 66 with level 4.

    This account have almost 7 years of login days.

    1625 $ worth spirit orbs that you can use in the new characters that will launch. I did not maximise some 4 star characters and did not do some sub stories quest so you can get more spirit orbs.

    It has almost every accessory of the game, and you will have 3119 brave accessory tickets, 1016 4/5 stars accessory tickets and 8 five stars accesory ticket to use.

    It has 1760 4 star power heart, 163493 3 star and 658768 2 star power heart. You will have no problem leveling accesories.

    218 super editing brush and 2005 editing brush to get any effect you want on your accessory.

    All the crystals you need to level up characters

    46622 green pot, 58003 heart pot, 60182 red pot, 71483 blue pot, 62075 orange pot and 22937 rainbow pot. 32897 green droplet, 33278 purple droplet, 46103 red droplet, 51788 blue droplet and 50779 orange droplet.

    You will have all the characters you need to farm link slots potions and droplets.

    You will have coin characters, able to get 40 million coins per 10 tickets.

    2 green special level up material, 1 purple, 3 red, 1 blue and 2 orange.

    Ask me if you have some doubt about the account.
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  2. GunnaFaiyaz

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    Can you please add my discord I’m interested DestroyVader#2468
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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