Selling   Diablo Immortal / US Server (free transfer) / Paragon 830 / 20K CR / 1300 RES / DH / Cosmetics /more

Discussion in 'Diablo Immortal Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by drepemeg, 6/25/23.

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  1. drepemeg

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    My Location:
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    Server: The Keywardens (free transfer available)
    Clan: Ambience (all server carries and currently immortals, they'll never lose it)
    Warband: Leader of a maxed out active warband

    Class: Demon Hunter
    Paragon Level: 830
    Gender: Male
    Orbs: 820
    Platinum: 20,000

    Damage: 13,500
    Life: 150,000
    Combat Rating: 20,000
    Resonance: 1,300
    Magic Find: 35%
    Dawning Echoes: 3 (for awakening)
    Helliquary: 33
    Armor Skins: 9 (including spawn of damnation - one time purchase event)
    Weapon Skins: 9
    Portals: 5

    Legendary Gems: building a semi p2w build using 3x 5*, 3x 1*, 2x 2* (the build is so op you wont need to spend anything)
    3* Zwenson's Haunting rank 2
    3* Blessing of the Worthy rank 3
    3* Chip of Stoned Flesh rank 2
    1* Blessed Pebble rank 10 (necessary for knckback build)
    1* Caarsen rank 10
    1* Berserker Eye rank 10
    2* Mothers Lament rank 5
    2* Bloody Reach rank 5

    extra 2* Seeping Bile in stash
    (the build is very op as it is but there's plenty of room for improvement if you get lucky in elder rift i.e. blessing of the worthy and chip of stoned flesh can be swapped for howlers call and bsj if you get tier 3+)

    Legendary Essences: Maxed Out (All Essences Unlocked)
    Stash: maxed out number of pages (2k plat + boon of plenty running)
    Legacy of Horadrim: 90/540
    Bestiary: 112/147

    Reason: im going to be doing masters abroad and I wouldnt have nearly as much time to continue my proggress, i kept this character at top cr throughout the whole server existence and I wouldn't want it to die out. I'd also like to get some of how much I spent back so it doesnt feel like a complete loss
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