Selling  25-49 Games  Europe  PS4 PS4 Account (50+ Games, check details for game list.)

Discussion in 'PlayStation Network Accounts | PSN Account - Buy & Sell' started by Soobinori, 6/13/23.

  1. Soobinori

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    (Games that are Free-To-Play are not included on this list.)
    1. Sonic Mania
    2. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA Future Tone (All DLC included.)
    3. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X (All Extra Songs and Extra Character Pack included.)
    4. SENRAN KAGURA Peach Beach Splash Sexy Soaker Edition
    5. Taiko No Tatsujin: Drum Session
    6. Akiba's Trip: Undead & Undressed
    7. Minecraft
    8. Hitman 2
    9. Hitman
    10. Fallout 4
    11. Grand Theft Auto V
    12. Bloodborne
    13. Ark: Survival Evolved
    14. Life Is Strange: Before The Storm
    15. Life Is Strange 2
    16. Beyond Two Souls
    17. Heavy Rain
    18. Rise Of The Tomb Raider
    19. Resident Evil 7
    20. Dishonored 2
    21. Friday the 13th: The Game
    22. Ultra Street Fighter IV
    23. Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
    24. Watch Dogs 2
    25. Far Cry 4
    26. Little Nightmares
    27. Overwatch: Origins Edition
    28. Dead By Daylight
    29. DOOM
    30. Injustice 2
    31. Call Of Duty: Black Ops III
    32. Stranded Deep
    33. Unravel
    34. Just Cause 4
    35. Battlefield V
    36. Dawn Of Fear
    37. Final Fantasy VII Remake
    38. Ratchet & Clank
    39. Subnautica
    40. Worms Rumble
    41. Rocket League
    Extra Details:
    The account was made in 2017 and hasn't been touched since 2021 (due to me selling my PS4).
    It also contains some games from the free PS Plus games list, which are not included here.
    Isn't banned in any online games.
    Want to take a look at the account's profile? The username is Fura_PT_PT

    "I am interested/I have a question"


    My Discord is ryann#0908
    My Twitter is @soobinpublic
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.