Selling  Asia  High End  Original Owner (Yes) SALE FoE account with 80k FPs on bank Colonial Age lots of room to improve

Discussion in 'Forge of Empires Accounts For Sale - Buy & Sell' started by WendyTio, 6/9/23.

  1. WendyTio

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    I am selling my FoE account with the detail below:
    lots of room to improve

    World: Tuulech
    I have on saving: 80k+ FPs, 600k+ medals, 3k+ diamond, 160m+ coins, 18m+ supplies, score point of 5.4m
    lots of stock inventory
    currently produce around 150+ FPs
    Castle system at level 9
    Trade Coins 300k+ and 600+ gemstones
    Friends Tavern at max level with 500k+ coins

    Army: 200+ dragoon, 200+ grenadier, 300+ ranger, 200+ rogue, 150+ field gun, 150+ musketeer
    218% attack and 270% defend

    My storage are full of items

    I also have:
    Fiore Village max level
    Celtic Farmstead max level
    Golden Orrery max level
    Eagle mountain
    Flourishing Cider mill max level
    The Crow Nest max level
    Yggdrasil max level
    Heroes tavern max level
    Olympic treasure max level
    Festive Canal max level
    Terrace Farm max level
    Druid temple level 8
    Animal crossing max level

    GBs are currently levelling up:
    Alcatraz: at level 11, BPs are enough to level up for another 56 levels
    Cape Canaveral: I am currently building it up to level 10 (currently at level 2), BPs sufficient for the next 53 levels
    Castel del Monte: currently at level 14, BPs already load until level 35 and other BPs sufficient for the next 124 levels
    Cathedral of Aachen
    Hagia Sophia
    Lighthouse of Alexandria
    Saint Basil Cathedral
    Statue of Zeus
    Temple of Relics
    The Arc: already at level 80, BPs are enough for the next 208 levels
    Tower of Babel

    GBs are ready to build but either I do not have the material yet or I have not yet built them:
    Arctic Orangery
    Chateau Frontenac
    Colosseum: pretty much useless and space wasted, so I didn't build it
    Deal Castle
    Frauenkirche of Dresden
    Galata Tower
    Himeji Castle
    innovation Tower
    Notre Dame
    Oracle of Delphi
    Rain Forest Project
    Royal Albert Hall
    St Mark Basilica
    Terracotta Army
    The Blue Galaxy
    The Kraken
    Truce Tower

    If you are interested, please reply the thread
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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