Account is nearly 5 months now. Level 281. (probably higher depending on time this ad stays up) 1.3 billion in attack power with 3 top dragons. 1.) Gultuk 498 mil att power with rider and elite-legendary gear. 2.) Garrvox att power 453mil with rider also with elite-legendary gear. 3.) Ramnaught with rider 389mil att power with rider and 90% elite gear with 2 pieces of legendary. Tons of speed ups and rss. Have 3 dragons already breaded for harbinger once hitting level 280. 4 season keys already Gultuk branch is nearly done. Two island defense very hard beating 200-380 level players. atlas focused mainly. pictures on demand. Please write me on line ID. zzfighter88 display name is Zfighter88. Thank you for reading. Will come with email for your ease on binding and unbinding of the account.