Selling because i dont have time anymore to play actively. The server is fun, active and non-toxic. Very nice people, we have a lot of players who moved to our server after server war. Always have been a NAP server. Keep is ready to go to k38. Able to fully ghost (i liked that way of playing and trapping the enemy). When participating almost always ending top 5 SvS (even with k40's on the server). MA2 maxed. 2 (almost 3) fully ascended generals. Always focused on squeezing the most buffs. Red, blue and yellow dragons lvl10 ( jawzahr lvl 6) Attackingmarches: ~1500 ranged attack ~1400+ ground attack ( hp def ~1100+) ~1350/1400 mounted attack ~1300 siege attack Wallgeneral (9star leonidas) ~1300 groundattack ~1125 rangedattack ~950 mountedattack ~1300 siegeattack Debuffs also in shape I own almost all of the available generals so switching in combinations is certainly possible. For more information you can always comment or message me.