73 vigilantes, 6 renegades, 16 babes. The main vigilantes both 5 stars and main renegade five star plus second renegade three star. 555 bulker attack 621 shooter 448 vehicle without buffs. Works amazing with both renegades. All other stats are incredible too thanks to the babe upgrades and all vigilantes. Five families friendly plus 1 and the last one neutral plus 2. Leaving the account with 40,000 gold and 360 million cargo 150 million cash 3.5 million arms 2.8 million metal. A unique roadster with all level 6 armaments. A full terrorizer set with nearly all level 9 augmentation plus stacked with a total of 19 level 5 and 6 emblems. Plus builder set. A gold godfathers coat with level 16 augmentation. Leaving 120,000 godfather coin with 5,000 augmentation cards. migration event coming up you have the power to choose a city and become the most powerful if that's your choice. I played for two years and it's time for me to leave and pass it on to someone else. FEEL FREE TO ASK QUESTIONS AND PICTURE PROOF IF NEEDED