Have you always wanted to play a roleplay similar to gta 5 in Minecraft? But you don't have the patience or the knowledge to do it? Don't worry minecity is your solution. MAIN VERSION 1.13.2 - 1.19.3 THIS SETUP DONT USE MODS JUST PLUGINS AND 3D RESOURCE PACK BUY MINECITY SETUP FULL AT GUMROAD use the next link: https://royaleteam.gumroad.com/l/MinecityRoleplayMinecraftGTA BUY MINECITY SETUP FULL AT MCMARKET use the next link: https://playerup.com/F4kDvCG BUY MINECITY SETUP FULL AT POLYMART 15% OFF WITH PAYPAL use the next link: https://playerup.com/OQlX8JB Roleplay Chat (ooc, ic) Global and local Roleplay character (Name, Age, Description) OpenAudioMc - Proximity Voice Chat - Realtime Music Server Tutorial With Cinematics and interactive NPCs 3D Vehicles (Cars, Boats and Planes) Realistic Jobs 4 (Truck Driver, Bus Driver, Miner, And Fisher) JOBS VIDEO TUTORIALS MINECITY YOUTUBE 3D Guns (More than 10 Guns) Apartments with a rent system(Can be decorated by every user) Phone Bank Bank Robbery More than 10 Shops(Ammunation, Decoration Store For Apartments, CarDealership, Gas Station) Police (With a wanted system) Robbery System (Bank and 3 shops can be robbed) Houses with a buy system Gangs Fancy Elevators Denizen Scripts Interactive NPCS. Guide updated 2023 JOBS TUTORIALS VIDEO: YOUTUBE PLAYLIST MINECITY JOBS PREMIUM PLUGINS Quality Armory Vehicles https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/qualityarmory-vehicles-2.59129/ Robbery:https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/robbery-bank-heists-store-robberies-more-1-12-1-17.62739/ GPS: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/gps-1-9-1-18-global-positioning-system-for-your-server.53672/ FREE PLUGINS Protocol Support: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/protocolsupport.7201/ Citizens Free Optional: http://ci.citizensnpcs.co/job/Citizens2 OpenAudioMc - Proximity Voice Chat - Realtime music https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...-realtime-music-and-effects-bungeecord.30691/ Optional: Miniboard Games https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...s-27-games-stats-tops-records-1-8-1-16.30066/ PocketGames https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/...um-minigames-multiplayer-single-player.48676/