Sold 580B Power Account for Sale

Discussion in 'Game of War Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Ellesmere, 12/16/16.

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  1. Ellesmere

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    Hey guys, I'm going overseas for work and will be unable to keep my Game of War account :( so I'm selling it here since I've put tons of time and money into the account. Selling 580 Billion power account in Kingdom #801 (Adlan - 12 Months Old, almost ancient).

    Add me on line (Ellesmere4) if you want to chat or have any questions, I can give you pictures or coords if you want to check it out, pretty much always available :)

    60 Billion Research Power (Close to all research complete, and plenty of rss/speedups to finish the last tree)
    500+ Billion Troop Power (12.5+ billion T4 troops, as well as ~25 million of every other type)
    200+ Million Gold
    Over 40 Trillion combined resources
    Hundreds of thousands of speedups
    VIP 25, Hero lvl 68, with 730000 heroic medals and enough hero xp to get to 70
    Best attack, defense, research, training, monster, and all other sets in the game with full gem sets and presets.
    Materials to make pretty much anything you desire. I have an unreasonable amount of materials haha.
    An insanely large collection of the best cores, core sets, and pieces in the game.

    Price is $300 but I am willing to do a bit of negotiating if you are willing to buy soon, looking to sell ASAP. Line ID - Ellesmere4
    Will be hiring an playerup middleman to keep the process secure for both of us.
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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