Selling    Selling SimCity Built It Account with 2.6 Million population, 5 Million Simoleons SimCash

Discussion in 'Simcity Buildit Simcash - Buy Sell Trade' started by mrsuavage, 4/4/23.

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  1. mrsuavage

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    My Location:
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    Sell my SimCity Built It account level 59 with a population of 2.6 million, 5 million Simoleons and SimCash and a satisfaction of 100%. City is almost completely expanded and developed. NeoBank capacity 25,000. warehouse capacity 300. omega warehouse capacity 35.
    The city is linked to a Facebook. profile. You will receive the access data for the Facebook. profile and can take over this city. The city is also on a team that regularly wages war and is one of the team's strongest combat members. Warrank 19.

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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