Preview: LVL: 151 Brawlers: 63 (all except Meg and R-T). Meg will be unlocked in a few days. Max lvl 11 brawlers: 15, and 18 are brawlers lvl 10 Trophies: 32 000+ Skins: 43 Gadgets: 117 Star Powers: 62 Gems: 161 (191 by the end of the brawl pass season) Star Points: 11784 (I'm diamond III in Power League so you will get 12500 more every season) Credits: 3340 (currently unlocking Meg, after that all brawlers will be unlocked) Chroma Credits: 720 FREE NAME CHANGE AVAILABLE You can change Supercell ID email to your email! Skins: 1. Gummybear Nita 2. Old School Brock 3. Desperado Poco 4. Major Rosa 5. Shadow Knight Jessie 6. Red Dragon Jessie 7. Classic Dynamike 8. Moldy Mike Dynamike 9. Mega Box Darryl 10. Omega Box Darryl 11. D4R-RY1 Darryl 12. College Emz 13. Night Mecha Crow 14. Trick or Treat Leon 15. Classic Shelly 16. Princess Shelly 17. Witch Shelly 18. Outlaw Colt 19. Gunslinger Colt 20. Linebacker Bull 21. Barbarian King Bull 22. Leon Bull 23. El Atomico El Primo 24. Wizard Barley 25. Red Wizard Barley 26. Darktide Carl 27. Biker Carl 28. Wasp Bo 29. Light Mecha Bo 30. Iris Tara 31. Ronin Ruffs 32. Goldhand Belle 33. Furios Fang 34. Magma Mandy 35. Ninja Ash 36. Pizza Oven Ash 37. Dark Bunny Penny 38. Chicken Rico 39. Pink Piper 40. Caesar Sam 41. Top Hat Mortis 42. Potato Squeak 43. Valkyrie Janet I will keep playing until I sell the account, so it will be even better than advertised. DM me for today's screenshots Fast Delivery! We can negotiate the price