Selling Bloodline: heroes of lithas, 146mln power, whale account, 1 arena, 1 EOA, 64mln power 1 team, 1000h

Discussion in 'Bloodline Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Bloodline1, 4/1/23.

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  1. Bloodline1

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    Hey, I got a sold-out account at bloodline:heroes of lithas. On account went a lot of time over 1000h of game. Not to mention the money. That $2,500 is half of what it went for anyway. I don't have time to play anymore, and it's a shame to waste it.
    My team easily defeats teams stronger by 10 million in the Guild Conqest. I'm one in the arena. In the eye of abbys no one bounces even.
    Hooked up to a new Gmail, no phone number. You change your password and the account is 100% yours.
    You can squeeze a lot out of it here. I recommend because everything is on tip top encompassed. I tried.

    If anything, write a proposal. we will agree :)

    I play on my account all the time, so if you buy it you will not have any shortcomings, you will be up to date with all events and prizes
    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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