Write me in Telegram @agapell ____________________________ Enjoy Immortal Draft Pick in ranked with top 5000 players! DOTA 2 items: Assured Victory Shout and some untradeble items - from battlepasses. Arcana (1) - Zeus Immortal (9) Legendary (4) Seasonal (4) Mythical (26) Common (188) Rare (112) Uncommon (109) P.S. NO ANY VAC! Steam has: 1. Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 2. Grand Theft Auto V 3. Cossacks 3 4. Dying Light 2 Stay Human 5. Chivalry: Medieval Warfare 6. Battlerite 7. MORDHAU 8. Killing Floor 2 9. Last Epoch 10. Mount & Blade: Warband 11. Saints Row IV: Re-Elected 12. Left 4 Dead 2 Also there are many CS GO cases and you can sell it and the STEAM acc will have about +50$. Write me in Telegram @agapell