Sold 58 lvl Global Mid-Endgame Account 8 base 3 Student 61.3k Pyrox(gems)

Discussion in 'Blue Archive Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by suhaozmut, 1/21/22.

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  1. suhaozmut

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    Story 11-2 ( %90 3* on stages until 11-2) (3* on all hard stages until 11)
    Eleph 695
    Pyroxene 61.3k + (I didnt do story and phone msg stuff so expect 65-70k with them)
    Most of the characters 58 lvl and skills are 3-4-4-4 lvl. some important ones is 7 lvl.
    Account has everything u need to clear any stage
    This account my main account that i played every day since first day of the game (since launch day).
    Why am i selling this account?

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    • This user is inactive. Hasn't logged into their account in over 60 days.
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