Selling  High End  Europe Elsword EU Noah and Rena vos +12 account

Discussion in 'Elsword Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Debatechs, 3/24/23.

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  1. Debatechs

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    Hello I have decided to quit Elsword for good and I have on sale account with 450 erp.

    Rena Vos +12 stage as DPS weapon and +12 FoJ full exp Weapon with some IB and CS avatars on it, gear is Rigo 4/4 +11 r21/21/21/21 and perfect Tenebros top and gloves r15 +11

    Noah 2x Vos +12 stage 5 (1 is exp and second one is dps) with many CS and IB avatars on it.

    Both characters have end game titles such as BnW, Noah and Rena have 16-3 title

    The account also has a few characters with FoJ +11 perfect for raiding there is some valuable items

    El Collection is almost fully done.
    There is some progress in Abyss raid

    The price is that low due to client being PL language
    I am more than happy to use middleman services, keep in mind you pay fees for that.

    I accept offers, have a good day.
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