Hi there ! I'd like to sell my Mario Kart Tour account. Screenshots were taken right after the start of the New Year's Tour. - Tier 65. - Player level 162. - MP : S+3, C Battles. - 145 rubies, ~35 000 coins. I've always played on iOS, so you might want to log-in on an iOS device to use the rubies. - Playing since day 1. - 724 badges total. - See screenshots for tickets available I attached all my items, as well as my tickets and my profile, to the listing, so you can check for yourself. I renamed the account playerup to take screenshots for this listing. Some numbers may change slightly since I'll be playing and maintaining the account but the above will be maintained The account has a dedicated email address I'll give to the buyer alongside the account. Asking price : $180, open to . PayPal. Feel free to send me a message if you have any questions !