Selling  Average  2016 Roblox Listing 2k+ In Value

Discussion in 'Roblox Accounts for Sale - Buy / Sell Roblox Account' started by LimitedTrader, 3/11/23.

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  1. LimitedTrader

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    I'm looking to sell my Roblox account (Username Wemodss) Account has 2000+ value in roblox items, along with a semi-rare username, 3 yrs old and only one verification step. Account also has a group and 500 robux value or so game passes. Also has 100ish robux currently. Has 194 botted followers. Will also throw in 10 5 letter accounts to balance it out too.

    I'm looking to trade for steam gift cards, or a Rust game key. I don't care how you got it, if its generated or whatever, but I'm trying to save/ get rust at a decent price. If youre looking to trade message me at TheLimitedTrader#2091 (Discord)

    I have really wanted rust for a long time, and if you have an account with it and stopped playing I can trade you a roblox account. TY
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