Selling  Average  North America NA WoWs Account Great for DD Lovers

Discussion in 'World of Warships Accounts - Buy Sell Trade' started by Hbhcat, 3/6/23.

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  1. Hbhcat

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    NA account. Lots of DDs. Many premium ships. Still room for progression. 335 days of premium time. 2.9k doubloons. Over 5k battles. Over 40mill credits. 16,142 steel, 22,2204 coal, 20,865 research. 96 ships.

    #1 Hbhcat, 3/6/23
    Last edited: 3/6/23
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  2. vitalikseykunov

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    But the story doesn't end there. It turns out that on automobile exchanges you can not only sell profitably, but also buy cars. The main plus for the buyer is that only those cars that have already been tested by a Woom partner dealer and fully correspond to the declared description are put up for auction. And during the auction, the buyer offers only the price that suits him, that is, he can protect himself in advance from unnecessary overpayments. The only thing you need to participate in the auction is to register online. But in case of winning the auction, the buyer will have to pay only 1,500 rubles upon the fact of the transaction, the conclusion of which is given, attention, no more than 3 days! This is faster than some car dealerships and certainly faster than buying a car through an online ad. It is not surprising that not only ordinary buyers, but also professional resellers have already become interested in the automobile exchange. True, in this case they do not annoy car sellers with endless calls, and in general they are no different from ordinary buyers.

    There is only one question left. If everything is so simple, then what is the point for official dealers to participate in this whole scheme? Perhaps they make money on some fraud in the contract that ordinary customers may not notice? However, as the organizers of the Woom auto exchange themselves explained, there is no reason for concern. The fact is that the main advantage for dealers is the growth in the number of customers in the showroom. After all, if a person is going to sell a car, it is possible that he can look after himself a new model while the dealer is checking the old one. And you can also advise a person to do this or that operation at the service in order to sell the car at a higher price. In addition, if the transaction through Woom takes place, the dealer will receive 5% of the transaction. It is noteworthy that everything is done in an honest way: during online trading, the seller will see on the screen the amount offered by the buyer and the amount minus the "dealer's" 5%, which it will receive in his hands. So, no hidden fees and unexpected surprises after the fact.

    Thus, the Woom car exchange is a very interesting and promising option for selling a car. The only drawback of this site is its lack of popularity among the mass consumer. However, at the first stage, this nuance will even more likely be a plus. After all, transactions through Woom will certainly be more profitable than selling a car in the usual ways. And there, you see, the rest will appreciate the advantages of this resource, as they once appreciated the opportunity to sell a car via the Internet.

    Summarize. There are many traditional ways to sell cars, each with its own pros and cons. A completely new sales channel is added to them, which has very good prospects - an online automotive exchange. How to sell your car, only the car owner decides. However, in the near future, we will certainly see an increase in the popularity of new ways to sell cars in the same way as it once was with the Internet.
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