Sold JKR account with the HDB in old server

Discussion in 'Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Accounts for Sale - Buy & Sell SWGOH Account' started by QLC, 12/29/22.

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  1. QLC

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    #2 QLC, 12/29/22
    Last edited: 2/6/23
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    Discord: Quim#3389

    WhatsApp: +34 684 21 75 56


    Instagram.: QUIMLC

    Telegram: QUIMLC

    Twitter: QUIMLC

    Languages: English, Español & Català

    I do a 24 hours/day live streaming on YouTube, in the link above, to demonstrate that I'm a trusted seller, as no scammer would show the face on Internet.

    Usually I'm front the webcam from 16:00 to 20:00 GMT-3 (Argentina) and from 22:00 to 03:00 GMT-3. Sundays and some days from 16:00 to 03:00 GMT-3. Rest of time I'm sleeping, in the gym or doing other things. I reply messages when I'm away, so send me a message and I will reply you instantly or when I'm available.



    In my Discord server you can find some of the owners, to talk with them directly, for if you want ask something about the account.

    Anyway, they, as owners, will be interested to use my service for a safe transfer and you, as buyer, also should be interested to use me as middleman to assure the owner transfers you correctly the account and that lost the access in all mails and devices, if you try to do a pact excluding me is very easy be scammed.

    My Discord server also is useful to see announcements about my activity, like if I add some interesting tool for the method or I change something.
    #4 QLC, 12/29/22
    Last edited: 1/22/23
  5. OP

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    Discord: Quim#3389
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    To be sure that the owner of the account will not connect again in the account, I apply an unique system which deletes the account in all mails and devices of the owner. I am the only seller who uses that method.

    Rest of methods of other sellers and owners are not safe, as is possible link the account in multiple mails and devices and sell it several times. Maybe the owner or the seller, the middleman, give you the mail and password, but the owner has it linked in a second mail and sell it again, scamming you and the next buyers.

    In my method, if the owner has the account linked on an Android and iOS devices at same time, the access is removed in both platforms. Also is removed if has several mails with the account linked on Google Play Games (Android) and/or Game Center (iOS).

    If you try to sell or buy accounts through other sellers/middlemans, you put in a high risk your money. In my method the chance to be scammed is less than 0,1%, is 99,9% safe. For now, in spite that several people tried it, my owners and buyers never got scammed, so currently I keep the 100% safe rate after more than 500 sales.

    My method starts with the owner linking the account to my device.

    In next step,
    I delete the owner access in all mails and devices. I do a video screen recording doing that process and I send it in the Discord group with the owner and the buyer, for if some part cannot watch the live streaming on that moment, then they can check the video when they can.

    I show the account in the live streaming before the buyer payment, by this way the buyer can check that all is correct before send me the money.

    In all my sales I take 5% of the account value as insurance for the buyer. Is the same amount that PayPal applies when the payments are sent as "goods or service", with 180 days buyer protection, but I prefer take it and manage myself the refunds, by this way are prevented some other problems, like the holded payments. If the buyer claims that the previous owner still has access to the account, first of all I will apply a second owner access deletion and we will check during 2 weeks if the account gets some connection, adding the account in the allies of some other account, by this way is possible check the last connection. If in some moment, during these 2 weeks, the account got some connection, I will do a refund to the buyer. This insurance not has expiration time, always is possible apply it.

    For the payment, you can use PlayerUp as payment platform, by this way you will have 2 times buyer protection, as PlayerUp will keep the money until you confirm you have access to the account, so is a protection against me, me seller, I will never receive the money until you got the access to the account and you confirmed you are satisfied with it. If you want, in the PlayerUp purchase also you can include insurances against me, the seller, there is insurances for 60, 120 and 365 days.

    If is paid by PayPal, as the digital accounts are not included in the seller protection, only in the buyer protection , to be safe for the owner and prevent that the buyer opens a dispute to request a refund once transferred correctly the account, is needed send me the money as "friend or family". As I told before, I will subtract a 5% of the account value as insurance for the buyer, so you will have a better protection than the PayPal buyer protection, as the insurance will not have expiration time and the claim will be expedited the same day, instead of be needed wait weeks for it. If is demonstrated that the previous owner still has access to it, is granted that you will get the refund, something that PayPal cannot promise, as they not apply my verification methods.

    Next is the link to the buyer and my payment to the owner, in this order, the owner will not receive the money until the buyer has the control of the account and confirmed that all is correct.

    This method works in all platforms: Android (Google Play Games) and iOs (Game Center). You will be able to link the account in your Android devices (phones, tablets and emulators), in your iOS devices (iPhone and iPad) or in both platforms and several devices and mails at same time. The instructions are sent by private message on Discord. I cannot tell the instructions here in public, as would teach the scammers.

    As additional protection, to prevent that some buyer try apply some scam in my insurance, to be sure that the previous owner not get back the account and to be sure the account is not lost because of some buyer linking error, I keep the account linked in a secret code. Logically, I will never access to the account, and thanks to that code I will be able to demonstrate I never joined in the account, as if you say that thing I will demonstrate is not true, your insurance will be lost and you will lose all these additional protections. If in some moment you lose the access to the account you only need contact me and I will help you to link it again, waiting 1 week to be sure nobody joins in the account, to be sure you not sold the account by some other way, deleting the access in all mails and devices first of all.

    The account can be linked in all mails you want, is not important where the owner had it linked, as when I remove the owner access it removes the linking with Android Google Play Games and iOS Game Center in all mails and devices where had it linked, so you will be able to use your own main mail and link there the account. If you already have some account there, you will be able to replace it. If you want keep the current account, I will let you know how to move it to a new mail before the replacement. Also you can link the new account in a new mail.

    Other sellers only transfer a mail and password, so you need use a mail that another guy registered, which is not very pleasurable and not safe, as they can use some mail recovery function, which is specially easy on Google Play Games accounts, with the Google Account Recovery function. Also there is the risk that the mail gets blocked because of suspicious activity, which happens when are people in different countries.

    In best of cases, rest of sellers help to link in new mails, but then you need switch mails, which is specially annoying in iOS devices if you use several accounts, as you need write the mail and password and complete the verification each time.

    In my method, if you use 2 accounts, you can link one in the main Apple ID, the same you use in your iOS device configuration, by this way when you login to Game Center is an automatic connection without verification. Then, you can have the other one linked in the guest account, by this way only logging out the main Apple ID on Game Center you will switch accounts, will not be needed connect another mail, writing the mail and password, and will not be needed do the verification.

    In my method is not transferred the original mail and password, as could be considered as illegal account transfer if you use the same Google Play Games profile in a different country, as happened to the best streamer of this game, AhnaldT101, he got banned his second account because of this reason, he bought an asian account and was purchasing items in the Play Store with the asian prices, which are cheaper, so got banned. Always is better use your own mail, which will have the correct country and the correct Store prices, and link there the account, or create a new one. On iOS devices directly is not possible buy items in the App Store if you not use your own mail.

    Is an advantage for the owner also, as the owner doesn't need deliver the main mail, which maybe also is being used for other games, has apps and items purchased in the Play Store or App store, is the mail used for the configurations in the device or is an important personal mail. Is not needed transfer the mail, the owner keeps the mail, the access to the account through the owner mail will be removed by my unique system, the buyer will use the main mail, or a new mail, where will link the new account. We will never know the mail of the owner and, logically, neither the password.

    Also you can check in my PlayerUp profile that I have more than a hundred of positive feedbacks, you can check that I'm a verified member since 28th January 2017, a lot of years ago, so it means that all my costumers are happy with their accounts.

    [​IMG] The "Verified" status means that PlayerUp verified my identity with documentation, with a national identity document and a bill. No scammer would do that step, as would be very easy put a lawsuit.

    [​IMG] The "Silver" status means that I completed more than 20 Middleman transactions, you can check »»here«« the info about these membership levels. Also take into account that per every PlayerUp Middleman transaction I sold another 7 or 8 accounts with other sites or payment methods, usually my total sold accounts is around 5 times my feedbacks.

    This is the
    link to access directly to my PlayerUp profile with the feedbacks:

    I do 24 hours live streaming every day to demonstrate I'm a trusted seller. The owners and the buyers are more confidence to sell/buy through me, because I not have any problem to show my face on Internet. I share all my social networks, where you can see more pics and videos about me, like my Facebook. and, specially, my Instagram., where I constantly publish pics and videos about myself.
    #5 QLC, 12/29/22
    Last edited: 2/12/23
  6. OP

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    In this link you can join in my main thread, where I have listed all accounts for sale.

    You can see the accounts list in the first reply of the main thread, the second message.

    Remember that I do auctions inside my Discord server, so if you are searching some concrete account not listed, or you need a lower price, let me know it by some of the chat platforms to create an auction.

  8. OP

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    I am the original creator of the hoard accounts, which are SWGoH accounts with a lot of resources (energy, gears, crystals, omegas, zetas, shards, tokens) hoarded, with 7 stars Traya, General Kenobi and Han Solo from the first day, you can check in »this link« my old original thread. Unfortunately, the hoard accounts are not useful anymore.

    For sure currently not worth it purchase a hoard account, you will 100% waste the money, for multiple reasons I'm going to explain.

    Best you can do is invest this money in a normal common account with some Galactic Legend, are cheapear and much better for a good entertainment and enjoy the game.

    1) Squad Arena is not useful anymore

    Since the developers removed the crystals in the rewards of the Squad Arena, the only useful thing are the Squad Arena Tokens to buy shards in the Squad Arena Store, where there is few interesting characters, probably during the first year you will only use Savage and Nute Gunray, during the second year maybe IG-88 for the Executor fleet and Asajj for a Separatist squad to get Padmé, rest of characters are not very interesting during the first 2 years. The rank 200 gets 600 Squad Arena Tokens, the rank 1 gets 900 Squad Arena Tokens, which is 200 more with the daily activities, as total 1.100 vs 800. So get 800 or get 1.100 is not a big difference, is only 7,5 shards less per day, you will get 20 shards instead of 27,5 shards, so is good enough, not needed invest 200-250 USD to get 7,5 shards of low userful characters.

    2) The GAC matchmaking is based in the Player Skill Rating, not the GP

    Since the developers changed the matchmaking on Grand Arena Championship, is not an advantage anymore play with a low Galactic Power account. Some guys purchased me hoard accounts and they not bought the Hyperdrive Bundle to keep low the GP. This thing is not useful anymore, as the matchmaking is based in the Player Skill Rating, not the Galactic Power.

    If you play correctly the account, soon you will improve your rating and soon you will start to play against players who have much better roster than you, players with 1, 2 or 3 Galactic Legends, when your best team is a Bastila team with Jedis, for example, or First Order team with KRU as leader, all these teams will be useless against the GLs, they will put the GL on defense and you will not have chance to win the GAC, your Grand Arena will be very boring.

    When you start a new account you will not find good players and the rewards at the beginning are very low, like 100 crystals every day, and 100 crystals for win the round and 300 crystals to get rank 1 at the end of the event. Later you will improve the division and you will have chance to get better rewards, but you will not get it, as you will be fighting against players with GLs, are very common the players with Supreme Leader Kylo Ren, you will not be able to defeat it, neither if has Rey, Jedi Master Luke Skywalker, probably neither Sith Eternal Emperor and other GLs.

    3) The GAC is very boring, you not dominate, you not enjoy the game

    When you start the new account, hoard or not, with the Hyperdrive Bundle or not, you will only play against newbies with bad teams, sometimes they not put defense and you win the match doing nothing, without play. You need wait several months until start to get matchmakins against active players who put some interesting defense to enjoy the attack phase and enjoy the game.

    At the beginning the GAC consist in put 3 squad teams and 1 fleet team on defense and use 3 squad teams and 1 fleet team in offense. If you paid 135 USD for a hoard account and 100 USD for the Hyperdrive Bundle, probably you want better things than fight against a newbie who only has bad teams on defense.

    Later will not be better, as once you improve your Player Skill Rating you will start to fight against players with 3 or 4 times more Galactic Power than you, maybe you have 750k and you will fight against a guy who has 3M GP, with 1 or 2 Galactic Legends, so you will not have chance to win the GAC, you will lose all matches until you get some GL, which will delay half of year as minimum, probably close to 1 year, and when you get a GL and you have 1,5M GP, you will fight against players with 5M GP and 3 or 4 GLs, as they will have the same Player Skill Rating than you.

    The main purpose of the players who buy a hoard account by 135 USD and they purchase the Hyperdrive Bundle by 100 USD is get some advantage and dominate the arena. But, currently, the Squad Arena is not useful anymore and in the Grand Arena Championship you will only dominate at the begining against very bad players, when you start to improve your Player Skill Rating and you play against players with Galactic Legends you will lose always all matches, so you will not feel the domination in the most important event of the game to get crystals and you will be very angry with the game, probably you will contact me to sell it, and you will not get more than 20% of the money you paid, as an account without GLs has very low value, of around 50 USD, my fee is 20 USD in this case, so you will get only 25 USD in best of cases after all fees.

    4) The Fleet Arena will be very boring

    As the Squad Arena will be useless due to the useless rewards, and due to GAC will be boring as you will be losing constantly against players with GLs, the only place where you can dominate is on Fleet Arena, where the domination is not granted, as if appears some whale, your 200-250 USD investment will not be enough to defeat a player who will get Executor or Profundity very quick, best you can get with a hoard account is a Ackbar fleet with Millennium Falcon and Hound's Tooth, then you will be always in the TOP 10, but is not granted the first ranks, will depend of the luck, if you coincide with some whale in the same server, probably 50% chance to waste all your money because of bad luck with it.

    During the first months the fleet battles will be very boring, probably there are Barbie doll games funnier than these matches, and the only interesting battles, against whales with Executor or Profundity, you will not have chance to win.

    5) The progress will be very slow, you will miss a lot of content

    This game is improving the characters and ships collection very quick, because a lot of old characters are being reworked, for example Gamorrean Guard and Mob Enforcer, 2 useless characters few time ago, got a rework and now are good characters in a squad with Jabba the Hutt as leader.

    There are Conquest events where you can get important characters like Commander Ahsoka Tano, Maul, Boba Scion of Jango, Ben Solo, Darth Malgus, ships as Interceptor and You will not get good amount of the Conquest characters until you get a good roster of 3 million Galactic Power or more, which will delay 2 years, so you will miss a lot of content there during these 2 years.

    AhnaldT101 is a good example about new accounts, the hoard account only give a little advantage at the beginning, but 3 months after the progress is seemed. In >>This Link<< you can check his roster, with 3M GP. In >>This Video<< about his roster 1 year after. In >>This Video<< shows that he started on 8th January 2021, so when I write this text is just 2 years since he started. In >>This Link<< you can check the progress on other GLs and Legendary characters. 2 years after, he not has Darth Revan, so neither Darth Malak, is not close to it, is far to get Executor, not has GAS, JKL, Starkiller, Grand Inquisitor, neither CLS, Grievous is only 5 stars, not has Nightsisters, Bad Batch, the Bounty Hunters are only gear 9 most of them, not has Clone Troopers, has JKR, but at low gear, Yoda only gear 6, basically only has 2 First Order teams, 2 Empire teams, Imperial Troopers
    , Geonosians, Savage and Dash, nothing more, 2 years after is losing a lot of content, and for sure not has any of the conquest characters and ships.

    Unless you become a whale, you will miss a lot of content, and if you want be a whale, better start with some account with 6 or 7 GLs, by this way you will not be missing content constantly.

    He is enjoying the account because is doing videos and getting a lot of money with it, but the new players are not enjoying the game a lot currently. This game is still alive because of the old players, not thanks to the new players.

    Tip 1) Don't be a whale

    Be a whale in a new account, with or without a hoard, will not give you the satisfaction you want, if you get the domination will not be because you are a good player, a person with some intelligence who knows how to play correctly and how to manage the account, if you get a victory will be only because of your bank card, so is not a meritorious achievement, only is a satisfaction for people who is lying to themselves, thinking that they are better because are in rank 1, when is only thanks to pay more money than the rest, not thanks to play good strategies, paying crazy amounts of money only for a mobile game, like 1000, 2000 or 3000 USD, only to play against newbies witch the best fleet they can get is a Ackbar team without HMF, or a beginner Windu team. And, anyway, on GAC you will keep losing because also spending 2000 USD will not be enough against players with 3 or 4 GLs.

    Tip 2) Don't buy the Hyperdrive Bundle

    By 100 USD you can buy accounts with 2-3M GP and 1 GL. With that GL you can get the top in Squad Arena, like accounts with SLKR if you put the correct datacron, or if you have enough money by only 200-250 USD in my list you can find accounts with 5, 6, 7 and 8 million GP and several GLs, some with 3 or 4 GLs or more. With the HDB you will not dominate, as other players will spend extra money, and you will only have a 0,5M (500k) Galactic Power account.

    Tip 3) Don't buy hoard accounts

    Not worth it buy a hoard account, spending 135 USD to have Traya, General Kenobi and Han Solo, characters not very useful at the beginning of the game. Maybe get Han's Millennium Falcon at the beginning is a good advantage, but currently Executor and Profundity are too much good, if you play a new account you need start to work on it from the beginning and don't waste time and resources in an Ackbar fleet. When you got enough level and gears to unlock Profundity, your Han Solo already will be 7 stars, so your HMF will be ready, without be needed spend money. All Ackbar ships are useful in a Profundity fleet, but you need work in some Galactic Legend first of all, like SLKR, so will be much better a First Order fleet than an Ackbar fleet, also if has the HMF and Hound's Tooth, so is not very good initial strategy start to work in the Profundity characters to Relic 5, like Cassian, Jynn, Bistan, Hera, Dash, as will not be as useful than a Galactic Legend to dominate on GAC and if your enemy has SLKR and a good First Order fleet, will be able to defeat easily the Profundity fleet anyway.

    Best you can do is invest your money in some normal common account, I would recommend at least 250 USD account, at this price you can get accounts with 3 Galactic Legends and 6 or 7 million Galactic Power, maybe also some with 4 GLs if they need sell quick, and from 300 and 350 USD some accounts with 5 GLs. From there, start to work in next GLs and start to unlock the missing content, you will have a lot of things to do, will not be a boring account like a 12M GP account, with everything unlocked and nothing more to do, you will have entertainment for years in a cheap price, will not be needed spend extra money, you can be F2P from then and you will get the tops in Squad Arena and Fleet Arena if you put the correct mods, gears and datacrons, you will not drop a lot, and you will dominate in GAC, maybe in Kyber 2 and some day in Kyber 1.

    Invest 3 or 4 years of your life to get a good complete roster is too much in my opinion, specially because we never know if this game will disappear in 2 or 3 years, is a game from November 2015, I'm playing it since December 2015, so is sure still has at least 2 years, but we cannot know if still will be alive in 3 or 4 years, which is too much time to start to enjoy the game. The best you can is don't wait that time and start to enjoy the game from the day 1, and this 100% satisfaction only is possible with a normal common account, you will never get it buying the Hyperdrive Bundle and/or buying a hoard account.
  9. MagicMagicMagic

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    Hello there, is this account still for sale?
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